
The rights regarding the content on this website, including text, images, illustrations, videos, music data, and programs, shall belong to us or the original content producers. Private copying of this content beyond the scope recognized by law is strictly prohibited. Any acts including reproduction, modification, reprinting, selling, and publishing that can violate the copyright law or other applicable laws without the prior consent of our company and the original content producers are strictly prohibited.


The rights regarding all the trademarks, logos, and corporate names on this website shall belong to us or individual right owners. Use of these things without being duly authorized is prohibited, except in cases where it is permitted to take such measures by the Trademark Act or other related laws and regulations.


1. We are not liable for any trouble, loss, or damage caused by the content or use of this website.
2. The structure, conditions of use, URL, and content of this website are subject to change or delete without prior notice. In addition, the operation of this website may be suspended or discontinued.
3. All or part of this terms of use may be changed without prior notice.

Prohibited matters

Upon use of this website, the following acts are prohibited.
1. Acts that obstruct or disturb the operation of this website.
2. Acts that cause or could cause nuisance, detriment, or damages to other users, third parties, or our company.
3. Acts that violate or could violate the assets or privacy of other users, third parties, or our company.
4. Acts that offend or could offend public order and morals.
5. Acts that breach or could breach any laws, regulations, or ordinances.
6. Other improper acts our company deems inappropriate.

Governing law

The interpretation and application of use of this website and these terms shall be governed by the laws of Japan, except as otherwise provided.

Privacy policy

As for personal information of customers, FUJIEI Corporation complies with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection including other related rules. We diligently work on confidentiality by establishing our own rules and systems related to personal information protection, while setting the privacy policy as described below.

1. We organize our own proper organization system in order to strictly control and use the customer information. With continuous education for employees, we strive to enhance our in-house information control functions.
2. We observe and comply with the laws and regulations regarding personal information protection including other related rules.